

Play Video

TV Promo Treasure Divers

Play Video

Video Narration

Available for

  • Commericals Radio & Tv
  • Documentary
  • E-Learning
  • Online marketing
  • Movie Trailers
  • IVR ( Phone systems)
  • Corporate Video Narration
  • Radio & Tv Promo
  • Web explainer
  • Apps
  • Political Campaigns
  • Live MC for your events

My Vocal Characteristics

  • Smooth Tenor
  • Authoritative
  • Trustworthy
  • Guy next door
  • Emotional
  • Caring
  • Comical
  • Gravelly Deep
  • Tough
  • Powerful
  • Cultured
  • Quiet

About EARL

Voice work has been a big part of my life since I was 18. My first commercial was for ParticipACTION,  a national fitness TV commercial in Canada, recorded way back in the early 1970’s while I was still in high school. Over the 30 years I spent in broadcasting as a newscaster, I always did voice work on the side. Not only did I lend my voice, I lent my knowledge as well, teaching broadcasting and voice work to the next generation of communicators at my alma mater, Humber College. For the last 15 years, I’ve been a full time professional voice-over talent.


Clients who have trusted me with their projects include:

Budweiser, General Motors, Toyota, Icy Hot , Pine mountain fire logs, TD Bank, Scotia Bank. City of Toronto, Government of Canada, Mr Submarine, University of Waterloo, CFL, Hockey Hall of Fame , Longo's and many more


  • Custom-built sound booth
  • Sennheiser 416 Microphone
  • Rode NT1
  • Audient id4
  • Twisted wave DAW


Via Source Connect/ ipDTL / ISDN / Phone Patch / Zoom / Skype

Contact Me

Earl Sky Professional male Voice Actor

Email: earl@earlskyvoiceover.com

Tel: 416-505-0904

Thanks for connecting. Call or write and I'll get right back to you.

I’m also available for either live direction sessions over Source Connect or, from my personal studio, I can deliver a fully-edited and mastered product that meets high quality broadcast standards — all with a fast turnaround. I love helping my clients and I look forward to talking with you soon